Robert Schmuck
How can we support you with your software project?

Robert Schmuck
CTO | Technology

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A software system is classified as highly available if it is able to continue operation despite a component failure. Highly available systems can be divided into 6 different availability classes, which are classified according to the downtime in one year. In the highest availability class 6, this downtime is only 31 seconds per year.

Why high availability?

The availability of a company’s IT infrastructure and core system is indispensable today. System failures can paralyse entire value chains, resulting in high losses. To prevent this, a highly available and powerful architecture should be chosen for the system.

What experience does soxes have with high availability?

Implementing highly available systems is a complex and difficult undertaking. It requires a wealth of experience and qualified expert knowledge. In the development and support of so called mission-critical platforms such as instaSOLUTION, soxes uses these valuable competences to ensure the highest availability.

With KUBE-X, we have created a solution that facilitates individual software development many times over with the help of automatically provided components and repeatedly tested modules and accelerates processes during implementation. The result: more efficiency, effectiveness and security with lower software development costs at the same time.

Learn more about KUBE-X here:

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Why soxes?

Mit soxes gewinnen Sie einen Partner mit Kompetenz und Verlässlichkeit. Unser Unternehmen steht seit 20 Jahren für beste Qualität in der Entwicklung, Programmierung und dem Outsourcing von Software. Mit ihren Dienstleistungen deckt soxes den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer IT-Entwicklung (Konzeption, Beratung, Entwicklung und Support) ab. Nehmen Sie den ersten Schritt zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung Ihres Projekts und kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen.

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