Rolf Borkowski
How can we support you with your software project?

Rolf Borkowski
Senior Expert Project Manager

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Are your workflows being slowed down by an outdated Access database, complex Excel spreadsheet or overloaded VB/VBA scripts? Find out why now is the time to take a critical look at your software infrastructure. A Microsoft modernisation by soxes not only offers improved performance, but also the necessary flexibility to meet growing requirements. Put an end to inefficient processes – modernise Access, Excel and co. for a new success story for your SME.

Why should you modernise legacy software?

Software modernisation is the process of updating, optimising or restructuring existing software applications and systems to make them more efficient, secure and user-friendly. This can include migrating to new platforms, updating programming languages, improving the user interface and identifying and resolving known security issues.

The focus here is on legacy systems, also known as existing systems. A legacy system is essentially outdated computer software and/or hardware that is still in use but no longer meets current digital requirements. Legacy software, based on outdated Excel or Access platforms, presents challenges such as security risks, limited functionality and poor performance.

Microsoft modernisation not only improves security by closing potential security gaps, but also opens up new opportunities for efficiency gains. Current technologies enable optimised performance, seamless integration of functions and more flexible adaptation to changing business requirements.
In addition, modernisation offers the opportunity to maximise the value of your software investment. Modernising your outdated Excel system with contemporary solutions is not only more cost-efficient in the long term, but also offers greater economic success and investment security for your company.

Find out more about software modernisation in this article!

Microsoft Re-Engineering: Veraltete Microsoft-Lösungen wieder auffrischen

soxes understands Microsoft re-engineering as the updating and modernisation of Access databases, Excel data sheets and VB/VBA scripts, including the renewal of Excel scripts or adaptations in Access databases. If required, it is possible to replace Access or Excel with more advanced technologies such as .NET or SQL Server. This modernisation not only enables adaptation to current technological standards, but also opens up the option of a modular expansion of the application, which is particularly relevant for rapidly increasing requirements.

Re-engineering or re-factoring makes expansion considerably easier, so that the application can handle growing requirements and data volumes efficiently. In this way, soxes enables companies to keep their Microsoft-based systems up to date, increase efficiency and at the same time ensure flexibility for future developments. The use of modern technologies such as .NET and SQL Server improves application performance and security, and Microsoft re-engineering strengthens the technological relevance and competitiveness of an organisation’s IT infrastructure.

Many companies often start their data management with Excel workbooks enhanced by VB.NET scripts, which initially offers advantages over costly customised applications. However, they reach their limits over time, especially when data volumes and complexity increase. This often leads to a lack of clarity and efficiency in Excel spreadsheets. As a rule, it makes sense to switch to powerful web applications or similar solutions above a certain size or complexity. This migration not only enables improved data organisation, but also the expansion of functionality as required.

Web applications provide a user-friendly interface, facilitate collaboration and offer flexibility to meet growing requirements. Moving from Excel-based solutions to a robust web application also offers the benefit of scalability, allowing the system to keep pace with business growth. It also improves data integrity, security and enables centralised management, which contributes to more efficient data processing overall. Investing in more modern, powerful applications pays off in the long term and supports operational efficiency and adaptability to changing requirements.

Time for an update

Keeping old IT systems and complex applications can have a variety of consequences that can negatively impact your business. If you are experiencing one or more of these signs, it’s probably time to consider Microsoft re-engineering to improve the efficiency, security and competitiveness of your Microsoft applications.

Outdated technology: If existing Microsoft technologies, such as Access databases, Excel scripts or VB/VBA scripts, are outdated and no longer meet current industry standards, re-engineering may be necessary.

Compatibility issues: Legacy software is often based on outdated technology that may no longer be supported by vendors. If there are challenges integrating the existing systems with new technologies or other enterprise applications, this could be a sign of incompatibility and therefore a need for re-engineering.

Security risks: Outdated systems are more susceptible to security vulnerabilities as they may no longer be updated with the latest security updates. This increases the risk of data loss, data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Inefficiency: Old systems can be inefficient and work slower than more modern alternatives. This can affect productivity and lead to longer processing times, which in turn increases operating costs.

High maintenance costs: Over time, the cost of legacy systems can increase significantly as the availability of spare parts and skilled developers decreases. This can lead to unexpected expenses and make budget planning more difficult.

Lack of customisation and flexibility: A legacy development platform is often less scalable and flexible than modern systems. It can struggle to keep pace with a company’s growth or adapt to new innovations and features.

Poor user experience: Outdated user interfaces and functionalities can affect the user experience and internal processes, leading to frustrated employees and reduced efficiency.

Overall, maintaining an old programming language or development platform can lead to significant business risks, including security issues, business disruption and a competitive disadvantage compared to organisations that invest in modern technologies.

How you benefit from modernisation

Microsoft re-engineering offers a wide range of benefits that have a direct impact on the performance and competitiveness of your company. Here are some key aspects that illustrate the results of re-engineering in practice:

Results-oriented modernisation: Microsoft re-engineering not only fixes existing problems, but also achieves results that improve the overall performance of your software functions. This can include increased efficiency, faster processing times and enhanced usability.

Extended functionality: One of the primary objectives of re-engineering is to extend the functionality of your software. This means integrating additional features and capabilities to meet the changing needs of the organisation.

Contribution to increasing efficiency: Microsoft re-engineering makes a significant contribution to increasing efficiency. By optimising workflows and implementing modern technologies, work processes are simplified and accelerated, leading to an overall increase in productivity.

Templates and calculations: In practice, re-engineering enables the revision of templates, formulas and calculations. Excel spreadsheets, for example, can be replaced with contemporary templates that are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but also enable advanced calculations and analyses.

Optimisation of information: Modernisation offers the opportunity to optimise the way information and data is processed and displayed in the software. Modern data management allows you to generate more meaningful reports and analyses, leading to more informed decisions at all levels of the organisation.

Support for the organisation: Refactoring extends beyond pure software optimisation. It provides support in adapting to new business requirements and helps to stabilise the IT infrastructure. This ensures smooth operation, which should be in the interest of all successful SMEs.

Overall, Microsoft re-engineering helps companies not only to keep pace with the latest technological standards, but also to view their software solutions as a strategic asset that continuously delivers added value.

The path to successful re-engineering

With efficient refactoring or re-engineering, soxes can easily modernise your existing business software with KUBE-X in just 4 steps based on the slice & dice method, without BIG BANG!

Existing software architectures are comprehensively analysed by soxes to identify potential weaknesses and areas that need improvement. Based on the findings from the analysis phase, an improved architecture is designed for the software. This is where our KUBE-X development platform comes into play. Our software developers do not have to completely redesign numerous modules, platforms or interfaces using the existing KUBES. They can be used directly and ready for operation.

With KUBE-X, functionalities are covered by standard services wherever possible. This massively reduces development time and therefore costs. Your business software is therefore ideally equipped for the future. Once your application has been established on the KUBE-X platform, new standard functions (so-called standard KUBES) can be activated at any time at the click of a mouse. In this way, we give our customers all the advantages and freedom of customised development combined with the benefits of a standard solution.

Complex and time-consuming processes can be introduced effortlessly in just a few steps. This enables our developers to save weeks of work, which they can instead invest in the development of customised components. This guarantees the customer maximum quality assurance. With KUBE-X, successful refactoring can now be planned and implemented in a standardised, highly automated way that is uncomplicated, comprehensible and efficient.

This is how soxes has already efficiently utilised its KUBE-X development platform!

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Sofia Steninger
Solution Sales Manager