SaaS, PaaS, IaaS - What is cloud computing?

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS – What is cloud computing?
Cédric Portmann
How can we support you with your software project?

Cédric Portmann
Technical Program Manager

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Cloud computing is an essential element of digital transformation that enables companies to drive their digital change efficiently. Imagine having access to a flexible and scalable IT infrastructure that allows you to utilise resources such as computing power, storage space and applications via the internet – without expensive hardware or extensive IT infrastructure.

Cloud computing allows you to optimise your business processes by enabling you to react quickly to changing requirements. You only pay for the resources you actually use and can easily adapt them as required. This means you don’t have to make large investments and still have a high-performance IT infrastructure.

In Switzerland, investments in cloud services are increasing rapidly. According to a forecast by MSM Research AG, the cloud market will grow strongly until 2025. In 2022, a total of CHF 3341.6 million was invested in cloud services. Of this, CHF 1251.1 million was invested in Software as a Service (SaaS), CHF 804.9 million in Platform as a Service (PaaS) and CHF 1285.6 million in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Investments are expected to rise to an impressive CHF 5381.3 million by 2025. SaaS is expected to account for CHF 1196.3 million, PaaS for CHF 1050.1 million and IaaS for CHF 1527.5 million. These figures illustrate the growing importance of cloud solutions for Swiss companies. Cloud computing is not just a trend, but is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of the IT strategy in Switzerland.

IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS – The 3 cloud service models

Cloud computing services offer practical pay-as-you-go models, eliminating the high costs and hassle of maintenance. Cloud providers host infrastructure, platform and software offerings that you can simply rent. Here are the features of the four different services.

SaaS – software on subscription

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a delivery model in which software applications are made accessible via the internet and are usually based on a subscription model. Users can access these applications via web browsers or APIs (application programming interfaces) without having to install the software on their own devices.

IaaS – infrastructure hosted on the internet

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides computing power, storage and network resources as a service via the internet. Companies can use these resources as required without having to buy or maintain physical hardware.

PaaS – development without limits

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing platform that provides developers with tools and services to develop, deploy and manage applications over the internet without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

On Premise – everything under one roof

On-premise is not an official cloud service, but refers to a local infrastructure that is fully owned and controlled by the user. This means that all physical resources, such as servers and storage, are hosted directly in the company.

What is the difference between the individual models?

1. control and responsibility: On-premise solutions offer the user the highest level of control and responsibility over the entire infrastructure, as everything is operated and managed internally. With IaaS, the user still has a high level of control over the configuration and management of the infrastructure, whereas with PaaS and SaaS, the cloud provider assumes primary responsibility for the infrastructure.
2. scalability and flexibility: Cloud service models offer greater scalability and flexibility compared to on-premise solutions. With IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, resources can be scaled quickly and easily according to demand, whereas on-premise solutions are often less flexible and require additional hardware procurement to scale.
3. cost and resource utilisation: On-premise solutions typically require high initial investments for hardware and maintenance, while cloud service models offer usage-based billing where companies only pay for the resources they actually use. This can lead to cost savings, especially with variable or seasonal usage.
4. maintenance and updates: With on-premise solutions, the company itself is responsible for the maintenance, updating and security of the entire infrastructure. With cloud service models, the cloud provider takes over these tasks, which reduces the burden on the internal IT team and saves time and resources.
5. geographic reach: Cloud service models allow companies to distribute their applications and data globally and access them from anywhere in the world. On-premise solutions are often limited to the organisation’s location and require additional investment to achieve global reach.
6. availability and resilience: Cloud service models often offer higher availability and resilience compared to on-premise solutions. Cloud providers invest in redundant systems and disaster recovery to ensure that services remain available in the event of outages or disruptions.
7. security and compliance: Cloud service models often offer higher security and compliance than on-premise solutions. Cloud providers implement stringent security measures and have certifications for various compliance standards, making it easier for organisations to meet requirements and protect their data.

Developing with KUBE-X

KUBE-X is based on over 20 years of experience in customised software development and is based on technologies and processes that sustainably improve software development. KUBE-X was developed specifically for the development of enterprise software. This innovative development platform offers numerous advantages (internal link to article) and is ideal for development on cloud computing services.

On-premise and the advantages of KUBE-X

While on-premise solutions generally require high initial investment and operating costs, KUBE-X can reduce costs and simplify setup through its standardised architecture and ability to run on existing hardware.

SaaS and the benefits of KUBE-X

KUBE-X can be used to develop SaaS applications, drastically reducing development time and costs through pre-built components and automation.

IaaS and KUBE-X

KUBE-X supports IaaS through Infrastructure as Code libraries that simplify and automate the provision and management of cloud resources.

KUBE-X as a platform for PaaS solutions

With its Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) features, in-built security features and support for various databases and event bus systems, KUBE-X provides a solid platform for developing and hosting PaaS solutions.

Why is KUBE-X ideal for cloud technology?

KUBE-X is particularly advantageous because of its flexibility and adaptability to different environments, be it on-premise, SaaS, IaaS or PaaS. It integrates modern security practices, supports rapid development through low-code/no-code approaches and promotes reusability and standardisation, making it a cost-effective solution.

Based on the needs and requirements of your business, KUBE-X can be deployed in various scenarios to minimise development costs and maximise operational efficiency. For organisations that require rapid scaling and flexible application development, the use of KUBE-X is particularly recommended in cloud-based IaaS or PaaS environments.

KUBE-X as a driver of innovation

Start-ups that require fast iterations and an agile development environment benefit from KUBE-X, as the platform enables rapid customisation and prototyping through low-code/no-code components.

Companies with strict security requirements

Financial institutions and healthcare providers that have stringent privacy and security requirements can benefit from KUBE-X’s robust security features, including automated penetration testing and continuous security updates.

Large enterprises modernising legacy systems

KUBE-X can be used to transition existing legacy systems to more modern, flexible and scalable architectures, reducing total cost of ownership and improving system efficiency. Take a look at our Slice & Dice process and find out how we modernise your business software step by step. Without BIG BANG.

Companies that pursue a multi-cloud strategy

KUBE-X facilitates the management of multi-cloud environments through its unified platform that enables seamless interactions between different cloud providers.

Integration of modern security practices

KUBE-X is designed from the ground up with a focus on security. The platform utilises zero-trust design principles and performs regular security audits to ensure that all applications and data are protected at all times. KUBE-X integrates compliance checks directly into the development pipelines to ensure that all code and development fulfils regulatory requirements before going into production.

Fast development through low-code/no-code approaches

With the CRUD Builder, KUBE-X enables developers to create application prototypes quickly and efficiently. Azure Logic Apps extend this capability by integrating pre-built workflows and automation features that allow non-developers to implement complex business processes. By reducing the need to write code from scratch, KUBE-X’s low-code/no-code capabilities significantly shorten development times, enabling faster feedback and iterations.

Why develop in the cloud?

Choosing to develop in the cloud offers your organisation three key benefits: scalability, cost efficiency and fostering innovation. In the cloud, companies can flexibly adapt their resources to respond to fluctuations in demand without wasting time and money on additional hardware investments. Thanks to the pay-per-use model, you only pay for the resources you actually use, which leads to considerable savings and eliminates the need to invest in expensive hardware. In addition, the cloud enables access to the latest technologies without the need to update internal systems, which drives innovation and gives companies a competitive advantage. So we might as well rephrase the question: Why aren’t you developing in the cloud yet?

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Solution Sales Manager