Digitization App Development Insurance/Finance

Reichmuth & Co.

Reichmuth & Co. is a traditional private bank and specialist in integral asset management, personal advice in sustainable investments and offers comprehensive pension solutions with a high degree of individualisation.

Alexandra Mittmann
How can we support you with your software project?

Alexandra Mittmann
Team Lead CSM

+41.. Show number +41 55 253 00 53

RCO Consultancy Tool

Integral counselling tool

In order to meet current and constantly changing needs in the financial sector, Reichmuth & Co. wanted to digitalise its processes. To this end, it commissioned soxes to develop a consulting tool that covers all internal as well as external processes. The tool is intended to reduce both the effort for employees and the amount of documents to be physically stored.

New design concept in close consultation

The first step was to exchange the necessary know-how with Reichmuth & Co. Subsequently, all functions were worked out step by step in a UX workshop together with the customer and the design specialists from soxes, and a specification and UI concept were developed based on the collected input. In order to successfully integrate the application into the existing IT infrastructure, our experts from soxes had to familiarise themselves with all the processes and security protocols and include them in the development process already in order to be prepared for the later integration.

Technologies used

A reliable technology stack was then used in the development process. In the backend, a REST API was implemented using the ASP.NET framework in the C# programming language. Via the user interface developed in Angular, the user can query all the required data from the SQL server database. The client-server architecture used improves scalability and creates a central control point for all resources and sensitive data of the tool.

Complexity meets individuality

Thanks to the UX workshop that was conducted, the specification of the application could be perfectly adapted to the individual requirements of Reichmuth & Co. and a custom-fit end product was created. The complex tool is being revised and expanded in an agile process. In this 2nd phase, the functions will be adapted even more individually to the needs of Reichmuth & Co. and their customers.

The design of the RCO Consultancy Tool
How can we support you with your software project?
Alexandra Mittmann

Alexandra Mittmann
Team Lead CSM

+41.. Show number +41 55 253 00 53


Do you have any questions? Would you like to find out more about our services?
We look forward to your enquiry.

Sofia Steninger
Solution Sales Manager