Digitization System and operation Food Industry

Egli Mühlen

Egli Mühlen AG is active in the agricultural sector. It produces feed for keeping farm animals and offers farmers expert advice to improve their operations sustainably.

Egli Mühlen
Alexandra Mittmann
How can we support you with your IT project?

Alexandra Mittmann
Team Lead CSM

+41.. Show number

Maintain complex IT systems

Egli Mühlen runs its business with a complex customer portal where, among other things, orders can be placed. The comprehensive platform was developed by an external company and handed over to soxes for maintenance and expansion.

Maintenance and support

soxes takes over the maintenance of the solution and guarantees that all components function fully. In addition, the development team implements desired changes and extensions to the portal. For this task, the complete portal had to be scrutinised by our experts and a deep understanding of the functioning of the components had to be gained. Thanks to the maintenance and support provided by soxes, Egli Mühlen AG can be sure that its portal is always up to date and functions reliably.

Interface images of the Egli Mühlen application
How can we support you with your IT project?
Alexandra Mittmann

Alexandra Mittmann
Team Lead CSM

+41.. Show number


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