A Delphi Re-Engineering for printing
In this project, soxes re-engineered an existing software solution. Specifically, the project involved a Delphi application that was installed locally on the end customer’s devices. The application obtained information from an SQL server database and was connected via Windows Services to various devices, including label printers, handheld and label scanners.
Technologies used
The application was migrated from the outdated programming language Delphi to the modern alternative C# in combination with .NET. In addition, a solution for the central administration of the database was implemented. Previously, each local installation had its own database, resulting in redundancy and inefficiency. Now, the local installations draw their information from a single SQL server database.
Upgrading the application
The challenge in this re-engineering was to properly handle the high printing and scanning cadence. In addition, the user interface and workflows had to be made intuitive. Thanks to the improvements, the application is now state of the art again and can be used for many years without any problems. In addition, new functions such as the real-time status overview for all jobs and devices have been added, which further enhance the application.