Digitization App Development Artificial Intelligence Consulting

Prisma World AG

Prisma World AG has one of the most powerful strategic human resource management solutions today. In cooperation with soxes, the Prisma World solution has been continuously expanded and further developed for new and existing customers since 2007.

Razvan Verdeti
How can we support you with your software project?

Razvan Verdeti
Team Lead Project Management

+41.. Show number +41 55 253 00 53

Innovative HR Tools dank Artificial Intelligence

With the Strategic Human Resource Management solutions, clear personality analyses (actual), success profiles of a job (target) as well as an automatic comparison of the target-actual situation can be created. In addition, specific interview guidelines adapted to company or job requirements can be generated. The freely selectable modules offer support in the recruitment and onboarding process as well as in succession planning.

Discovering development prospects

In order to achieve clearly defined corporate goals, the Management by Objectives (MbO) control element has proven its worth in everyday management. The Prisma World Solution offers a simple and clear workflow for storing performance and competence goals as well as a personal development plan. This way, not only can employees be shown their development perspectives – succession and career planning can also be created digitally with just a few mouse clicks. In addition to performance and competence goals, a personal development plan (PEP) can also be agreed with each employee. The CV tool is not only available to authorised supervisors, but also to employees in Employee Self Service (ESS).

Technologies used

Finally, a wide variety of roles can be assigned in this application, depending on how many access rights and functions the user is to receive. The product is developed in ASP.NET 2.0 and includes an SAP connection/synchronisation, an interface to Abacus, a Silverlight organigram view and many other extensive export and report functions. Some modules of the Prisma World Solution are available in English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian and Chinese.

Further development and optimisation

The main advantages of this application are: web-based, decentralised availability, modular structure, multi-client capability. Within the framework of this project in the consulting sector, soxes not only took on the technical part with the further development of the Prima World tool, but also worked on optimising the business processes. Thanks to soxes’ large team of developers, it is always possible to have the necessary resources and know-how at hand. This means that the desired adaptations and customer-specific requirements can always be implemented promptly.

The design of the Prisma World questionnaire
The illustrations provide you with an overview of the personality analysis, which is carried out with the help of a questionnaire. In the first part, the personal details are checked.
In the second step, the actual state is determined with the help of questions in which one has to assess oneself.
How can we support you with your software project?
Razvan Verdeti

Razvan Verdeti
Team Lead Project Management

+41.. Show number +41 55 253 00 53


Do you have any questions? Would you like to find out more about our services?
We look forward to your enquiry.

Sofia Steninger
Solution Sales Manager