Reference 1 - OYM Planner
Sportliche Leistungen mit High-Tech-Lösungen perfektioniert
Sporting performance perfected with high-tech solutions
soxes is OYM‘s strategic partner for the development of new applications that support the core processes and the care of athletes. The first phase saw the development of the OYM Planner, which supports the Athletic Training Department in creating individual training plans.
Intelligent planning
The OYM Planner makes it possible to define goals for training phases and set weekly and daily focal points. The team calendar shows the planned schedule for athletes and teams. Thanks to the integration of Office365, training sessions are sent to participants and rooms as Outlook appointments.
Agile sparring partner
The application was developed within four months and has been in daily use ever since. soxes is continuously expanding it and sees itself as an agile sparring partner for OYM, reflecting on new ideas and adapting them to the customer’s needs.
Practical, efficient and modern
Close collaboration, including UI/UX specialists, results in user-friendly, efficient and visually modern applications that fit in with OYM’s long-term strategy and corporate identity.