Anticipate insurance claims
For a business model of this complexity to work, a multitude of components must interact: Weather data from hundreds of weather stations worldwide must be brought into a uniform format and their retrieval must be made efficient. Statistics and probabilities of weather events are calculated and prices are calculated on this basis. Prices for weather derivatives can now be retrieved and purchased via a digital platform developed by soxes. The management of customers and products is also carried out by CelsiusPro staff within this platform.
Technologies used
For this task, CelsiusPro relies on a completely customised environment that seamlessly combines the .NET framework with the Python programming language, which is well known from the open source scene. While the website and the back office system are programmed in C# and based on DotNetNuke, the price engine and the system for loading the weather data are based on Python. A web service, which allows the calculation of a price via the internet, combines both languages even within one programme. Python becomes IronPython (the implementation of Python in the .NET Framework). The system is freely configurable and allows the creation of new products, pricing engines and the connection of new weather stations.
Complex web application development and support
Visit the website of CelsiusPro and see for yourself how a combination of the programming languages of IronPython and C# meets the requirements of a state-of-the-art web application including a mathematically complex price engine. soxes is responsible for the entire environment within the framework of this project and is continuously developing the platform.