Customised Adaptations

Customised Adaptations

Customised Adaptations
Robert Schmuck
How can we support you with your software project?

Robert Schmuck
Head of Development

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We build bridges to standard software

Is your company’s standard software not enough to fulfil your specific business requirements? Are you looking for future-proof software solutions that adapt to your growing requirements?

Let us build bridges to your system! With customised software solutions, we extend the functionality of your existing standard software, such as ERP, CRM or PPS systems. Although these standard solutions cover many functions, there are specific business requirements that they often cannot map, as they are designed to fulfil general and frequently occurring requirements of many industries.

Robert Schmuck, soxes AG Companies that rely on customised solutions are better equipped to meet the dynamic demands of the market and continuously optimise their business processes.
Robert Schmuck, Head of Development soxes AG

Our customised software solutions fill gaps where standard software reaches its limits. They enable seamless integration and optimise business processes through specialised functions that are precisely tailored to your needs. This not only increases efficiency and flexibility, but also gives your company a decisive competitive advantage.

An example: Your ERP software can handle basic financial processes, but special requirements, such as industry-specific analyses or advanced logistics functions, are missing. Our software bridges integrate these customised extensions directly into your existing system without you having to switch to a completely new solution.

Extension via web app or mobile app

One example of a customised solution is the connection of a web app or mobile app to your existing system. This allows you to access up-to-date information anytime and anywhere and record sales processes directly on site. Our experts develop customised, intuitive user interfaces that are precisely tailored to your internal processes. This leads to greater acceptance among employees and more efficient use of the software.

With our software bridges, you benefit from an improved user experience and increased productivity. Implementation is efficient and cost-effective, as we develop the functions that your company really needs – without unnecessary ballast. Our solutions are also future-proof and can be flexibly adapted to new requirements.

Are you interested in expanding your ERP, CRM, PPS or FIBU systems with customised software development?

Click here for an initial consultation & tell us about your visions!


Do you have any questions? Would you like to find out more about our services?
We look forward to your enquiry.

Sofia Steninger
Solution Sales Manager