Patrick Büchler
How can we support you with your software project?

Patrick Büchler
CEO, Partner

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Django is an open source web framework that facilitates the development of web applications through a modular system of standard components. If you develop a website or web-based software, you always need very similar elements: User management (registration, login, logout, etc.), an administration area, forms, uploading files, etc. Fortunately, it was realised some time ago that web developers have to solve the same problems over and over again. For this reason, frameworks like Django offer such solutions out-of-the-box and facilitate the development process.

Why does soxes use Django?

Django is used by soxes for complex web applications that need to remain flexible. Django is characterised by its Model, View and Template architecture (or MVT architecture for short). This allows developers to change the visual part of an application and the business logic part separately. In addition, important components such as routing, user management, database management, etc. are already integrated into the framework. Therefore, developers no longer have to deal with the interfaces, but can apply the intended logic directly.

Where did soxes use Django?

soxes has developed an application for Mercer Alternatives AG to calculate the total expense ratio, whereby the back-end was developed with the Django framework. The back-end is responsible for processing the data, which is exchanged with the front-end of the web application via an API. Thanks to the high-performance and scalable Django framework, the back-end could be implemented in a short time with reduced development effort.

Why soxes?

With soxes, you gain a partner with competence and reliability. For 20 years, our company has stood for the best quality in the development, programming and outsourcing of software. With its services, soxes covers the entire life cycle of an IT development (conception, consulting, development and support). Take the first step towards the successful implementation of your project and contact us for more information

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Sofia Steninger
Solution Sales Manager